Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The walleye were bitting

Unfortunately they were all on the small size. The biggest one I caught was barely 14 inches. The neighbour managed a few in the 18 to 19 inch range earlier in the mornings. Sunday morning he did get one walleye large enough to keep and had it for lunch. Both of us were fishing along the south east shore just west of Broken Paddle Estates. 18 feet of water seemed to be the sweet spot.

Friday, May 13, 2011

And it is all gone

The ice that is...

Time to get those docks, hoists and boats in the water for another year.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fawcett Lake Slurpee

The ice is pretty much done for. The lake looked like a giant slush on the weekend. Just might be able to get the boat in the water next weekend. Only 11 more days before the lake is open to fishing once again. Can't wait...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ice out 2011

Good news folks. The ice is on its way out. Open water can be seen from Fawcett Lake Resort to the Island. Won't be long before it is all gone.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring walleye tips

Now that spring is in the air...

It is time to get back to blogging about Fawcett Lake.

Sorry, but I am just not big on the whole ice fishing thing. As such I rarely head up to Fawcett Lake in the winter months. I am a bit out of the loop because of this so please bare with me for the next few weeks while I get caught up.

I have updated some of the links on the sidebars including the the new fishing regulations for 2011. Not much has changed but it never hurts to refresh ones memory. Take a peek. I have added a couple new links including the report a poacher link at the top left. Apparently poaching is becoming a bigger problem in Alberta than ever before. Do your part. Be vigilant and report anyone who abuses what nature has to offer us all.

Again, I thank everyone for taking the time to pop by this blog. I sincerely hope that more of you will add your comments to any or all of the posts that have or will show up here in the future.